Lucem Ferre, a Master of Fine Arts thesis exhibition, was influenced by an interpretation of bioluminescence, a chemical process in which a living organism catalyzes and releases light from within. This process is also effected by microorganisms living symbiotically within host animals and plant bodies. It is primarily observed in deep-sea marine and in terrestrial life. Bioluminescent life forms embody dualities; they are luminous and subdued, beautiful and repulsive, still and active. I use non-traditional materials, silicone, phosphorescent pigments and ultraviolet light, to create a jewelry collection of “wearable creatures” inhabiting an enigmatic and unworldly gallery environment. This 15-piece collection includes brooches, rings, armbands and a neckpiece; they are ambiguous, mysterious, luminous and whimsical jewelry pieces synthesizing visual and tactile elements to stimulate their simultaneous experience for viewer and wearer. As “wearable creatures” they exemplify the notion of portraying a blown-up world of microscopically investigated living organisms, simultaneously suggesting their internal growth and decay and their interactions with the body. Similar to bioluminescent life forms, these “wearable creatures” inhabit a life of dualities as they bear and bare their light.